Worlds of ZZT Stream Schedule

Zuzatan: The Forgotten City

New Release Showcase
Friday May 3rd
09:00 PM EDT
06:00 PM PDT
Sat May 4th
01:00 UTC
Publish or perish! An ancient alien city appears beneath the ruins of Tazumal. When a colleague goes missing, will you have what it takes to solve the mystery and rescue him? -- Exploring the first ZZT release of authorblues

May The Fifth Be With You

Unpreserved Worlds
Sunday May 5th
03:00 PM EDT
12:00 PM PDT
Sun May 5th
19:00 UTC
As is tradition, focusing on unpreserved ZZT Star Wars games throughout May.

Standard Schedule

Fridays at 6:00pm Pacific, 9:00pm Eastern, 02:00 UTC (Saturday) - ZZT worlds either voted on by viewers, new releases, or whatever Dr. Dos feels like that week.

Sundays at 12:00 noon Pacific, 3:00pm Eastern, 20:00 UTC - Wildcard streams of 1-5 as of yet unpreserved ZZT worlds, ideally with some theme that relates them.

Dates, content, and anything else stream related may change at any time!